Sandwich ELISA, HRP-labelled antibody
Serum, Plasma, Cell culture supernatant
Sample Requirements
20 µl/well
At ambient temperature. Upon receipt, store the product at the temperature recommended below.
Calibration Curve
Calibration Range
0.16–10 ng/ml
Limit of Detection
0.06 ng/ml
Intra-assay (Within-Run)
CV = 4.0%
Inter-assay (Run-to-Run)
CV = 6.8%
Spiking Recovery
Dilution Linearity
Research topic
Apoptosis, Cardiovascular disease, Cell surface proteins (sCD), Cytokines and chemokines and related molecules, Transplantation
CD40 belongs to the TNF receptor superfamily. A key role of CD40/CD40ligand interactions in immune activation, particularly in T-cell dependent B cell responses is anticipated. This molecule as well as the other ligands of the family share the property of co-stimulation of T-cell proliferation and are all expressed by activated T-cells.Because the ligand of CD40 (CD40L) is expressed on activated T helper cells, B cells may escape from apoptosis and are activated when the immune system interacts with foreign antigens, which are normally able to activate T-helper cells. Thus the CD40/CD40L interaction plays a central role in the various phases of the B cell response to T-dependent antigens.
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