The search for innovation is an endless adventure.
Some discoveries don’t fulfill their promise, others become historical milestones. And these are worth searching for.
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)
Discover moreWe bring a comprehensive sequencing solution using the NGS method, designed with maximum efficiency and ease of use in mind.
User-friendly and intuitive software, diagnostic panels for DNA, RNA analysis, fast service and the perfect know-how of our application specialists - a revolution in the speed of laboratory diagnostics and the availability of personalized medicine. -
Discover moreWe understand that accurate diagnosis is the first step toward better treatment. To achieve further progress, we are enhancing current laboratory methods and expanding the diagnostic spectrum. By leveraging our expertise, we are developing new CLIA immunodiagnostic tests for the automated KleeYa® platform. Our innovations deliver speed, simplicity, and introduce new biomarkers.