The new epicGEN Solid Cancer & MSI Kit provides an advanced NGS solution designed to meet the evolving demands of oncological research and diagnostics. With an integrated approach, it streamlines library preparation and data analysis, providing highly reliable results for enhanced clinical and research applications.
BioVendor‘s R&D CE IVD Assays for in-vitro diagnostics are aimed at rapidly growing fields of interest within the international research and diagnostic community, such as Obesity/Metabolic syndrome/Diabetes, Cardiovascular physiology, Renal disease and injury, Bone metabolism/Osteoporosis, Infection/Inflammation, Oncology/Tumor markers, Pulmonary disease and more.
Bridging science and diagnostics
BioVendor Group is an international diagnostics company with its headquarters in Brno, Czech Republic. BioVendor provides a broad range of IVD technologies and capabilities including, in-house development and manufacturing of immunoassays and molecular diagnostics for the clinical market, as well as a wide offering for the Life Sciences market.
Virtual conference Precision Diagnostics Europe 2021
TATAA Biocenter organized virtual conference Precision Diagnostics Europe 2021 on May 26 - 28.The conference happened in May and the programme was really interesting, with a lot of experts having a talk. We were very glad to be part of it!
Our colleague Mgr. Veronika Gresakova, PhD talked about Detection of SARS-CoV-2 microRNA panel using Two-tailed qPCR method.
Detection of SARS CoV 2 microRNA panel using Two T ailed qPCR method
Renal diseases – So many biomarkers | BioVendor #24
Kidney Disease - These are AKI (acute kidney damage), CKD (chronic kidney disease), nephropathy - and more. But we have biomarkers to discover them. Take a look at Ivo Cernoch's educational lecture.
Renal diseases – So many biomarkers
Focus on MxA – A tool for interferon treatment monitoring and/or specific marker of virus infection | BioVendor #23
You may know that multiple sclerosis (MS) patients are treated with interferon-beta (IFNB). Myxovirus protein A (MxA) expression is induced by interferon and is used as a marker of interferon activity. Learn more in Michal Karpisek’s lecture on the use of immunoassay determination of MxA in the monitoring of IFN bioavailability in MS patients. Diagnostic use of MxA marker for positive confirmation of virus infection in specific patient groups is also discussed.
Focus on MxA – A tool for interferon treatment monitoring and/or specific marker of virus infection
Cardiovascular disease – There are established biomarkers and new ones | BioVendor #22
What is behind troponin? Many other CVD biomarkers with high diagnostic potential. Check out the lecture summarizing the issues from the perspective of BioVendor.
Cardiovascular disease – There are established biomarkers and new ones
Obesity and related diseases have become epidemics in recent decades! BioVendor has grown on the adipokine product line. Learn from true experts about energy metabolism-related biomarkers; from the most traditional to the newest.
Adipokines, energy metabolism, obesity markers – Our priority
Multiple application of antibodies to Periostin - Multifaceted protein | BioVendor #20
Periostin (OSF2) is a protein exhibiting physiological activity in various pathological processes, including cancer, renal diseases, inflammatory diseases, and allergy. Helena Reutova will tell you how you can use BioVendor antibodies in the investigation periostin functions.
Multiple application of antibodies to Periostin - Multifaceted protein
New BioVendor ELISA kits - Our annual contribution to clinical research | BioVendor #19
Look at an overview of new ELISA kits launched by BioVendor and an excellent explanation of their possible application in a short lecture given by Viera Dobrocani, the head of the BioVendor ELISA development team.
New BioVendor ELISA kits - Our annual contribution to clinical research
What are the crucial pitfalls when a microRNA project is planned?Have you ever heard about the minefield of correct miRNA sample collection, RNA isolation, miRNA profiling, data normalization and evaluation? Is it easy to explain how to prevent being mistaken in all of them? (No!!!). So, let’s make it easy and cool! BioVendor experts Milan Bartos and Iveta Krepelkova will guide you through the difficult path of miRNA project planning. Only stupid people do not ask stupid questions; smart people don't mind asking.
Planning miRNA projects – A qualified minefield guide
Is there any option to molecular biology methods in microRNA determination? Yes! Barbora Dvorakova introduces BioVendor miRNA immunoassay. She shows the principles of the novel technology and explains why the miREIA immunoassay is a promising test platform for diagnostic use of microRNA biomarkers.
microRNAs, a bit different biomarkers – From discovery to Dx application | BioVendor #16
One of the BioVendor miRNA experts, Tereza Mrackova speaks about the discovery and function of small non-coding regulatory microRNAs and gives an elementary explanation of why miRNAs are going to be important diagnostic markers in the near future.
microRNAs, a bit different biomarkers – From discovery to Dx application
Recombinant Proteins – Let’s Make Them User-Friendly | BioVendor #15
Avoiding the use of additives or inert proteins makes BioVendor recombinant proteins easy-to-conjugate, label or immobilize. Clients also appreciate careful endotoxin level determination and removal for cell culture experiments as well as stable lyophilized protein formulations. Strict quality control includes also amino acid sequence confirmation by MS.
Using production designs that take advantage of the bacterial and mammalian cell expression systems, BioVendor produces a wide range of HEK293 Cell-Expressed Recombinant Proteins, E.coli-Expressed Recombinant Proteins and Isolated Natural Proteins. Here, we pay attention to Adiponectin (and various oligomers of this protein), Lipoprotein Lipase, Clusterin (ApoJ), Omentin, Stanniocalcin-1, and Uromodulin.
Recombinant Proteins – Let’s Make Them User-Friendly
High-Quality Antibodies in the Heart of High-Quality Immunoassays | BioVendor #14
Learn how we make high-quality monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies and antibody conjugates and why the high-quality antibodies are crucial for the use in all immunodiagnostic methods.
Some of the most popular antibodies are described and their use in various applications and clinical fields is demonstrated. Here, we pay attention to BioVendor unique monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies specific to OSF-2/Periostin, Cathepsin K, Hepatitis B Virus X Protein (HBx), FABP4, FABP5, COMP, and Adiponectin.
High-Quality Antibodies in the Heart of High-Quality Immunoassays
ELISA for Renal Disease Biomarkers | BioVendor #12
BioVendor’s Biomarker Selection in Acute Kidney Injury and Chronic Kidney Disease.
In this presentation we pay special attention to Cystatin C, Serum Uromudulin, Lipocalin-2/NGAL, and KIM-1.
Learn what markers we consider the most relevant for both diagnostic and research purpose and what ELISA kits to measure those proteins in serum, plasma and urine we can offer.
ELISA for Renal Disease Biomarkers
ELISA for Pulmonary Disease Biomarkers | BioVendor #11
In this presentation we pay special attention to CC16 (Club Cell Protein), SP-A and SP-D (Surfactant Protein A and D), KL-6, CTGF and MMPs. The markers are associated asthma, COPD, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), sarcoidosis and cystic fibrosis.
Learn what markers we consider the most relevant for both diagnostic and research purpose and what ELISA kits to measure those proteins in serum, plasma, sputum and BAL fluid we can offer.
ELISA for Pulmonary Disease Biomarkers
ELISA for Neural Tissue Biomarkers | BioVendor #10
BioVendor’s Biomarker Selection in Neural Tissue Damage and Degeneration.
In this presentation we pay special attention to GFAP, S100B, Phoshorylated neurofilament H (pNF-H), and Clusterin (ApoJ). The markers are associated with early diagnosis and prognosis of mild traumatic brain injury (TBI), stroke, ALS, multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer disease.
Learn what markers we consider the most relevant for both diagnostic and research purpose and what ELISA kits to measure those proteins in serum, plasma and cerebrospinal fluid we can offer.
ELISA for Neural Tissue Biomarkers
ELISA for Metabolic Syndrome Biomarkers | BioVendor #09
BioVendor’s Biomarker Selection in Metabolic syndrome, Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes.
Here, we discuss the complexity of metabolic syndrome, its relation to civilization diseases and what protein biomarkers are behind it.
In this presentation we pay special attention to Adiponectin, FGF21 and FGF19, Adipocyte FABP (FABP4), and PCSK9. We describe their role in the development of metabolic syndrome, T2DM, lipoprotein metabolism disorders, CVD, atherosclerosis, renal disease, and carcinomas.
Learn what markers we consider the most relevant for both diagnostic and research purpose and what ELISA kits we can offer.
ELISA for Metabolic Syndrome Biomarkers
ELISA for Cardiac Markers | BioVendor #08
BioVendor’s Biomarker Selection in Cardiovascular Disease.
In this presentation we pay special attention to PCSK9, Troponin I, Heart FABP (FABP3), GDF-15, the natriuretic peptides NT-proANP and NT-proBNP. The markers are associated with most sever cardiovascular diseases, such as acute myocardial infarction, acute heart failure, CAD, cardiac arrhythmia, atherosclerosis and stroke. The members of RAAS – Active Renin, Prorenin, Angiotensin, Angiotensinogen and Aldosterone are markers of the hypertension development.
Learn what markers we consider the most relevant for both diagnostic and research purpose and what ELISA kits we can offer.
ELISA for Cardiac Markers
ELISA for Bone and Cartilage Metabolism Biomarkers | BioVendor #07
BioVendor’s Biomarker Selection in Bone and Cartilage Metabolism.
In this presentation we pay special attention to COMP, Osteoprotegerin, sRANKL and Vitamin D. The markers are associated namely with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis and other bone metabolism disorders, but also with CVD and various carcinomas.
Learn what markers we consider the most relevant for both diagnostic and research purpose and what ELISA kits we can offer.
ELISA for Bone and Cartilage Metabolism Biomarkers
Here, we introduce BioVendor’s miREIA, a new breakthrough technology enabling the easy use of microRNA biomarkers.
We will describe the method in detail and compare it with current molecular biological techniques to show what benefits it brings to the scientists involved in miRNA research. We will discuss its possible use as a clinical diagnostic assay.
miREIA (miRNA Enzyme Immunoassay) – Description, comparison and benefits
Insight to miRNA – From Discovery to Biomarker Application | BioVendor #05
This brief lecture will introduce history, biogenesis, and function of microRNAs. It emphasizes possible use of miRNA biomarkers in clinical diagnostics and explain why BioVendor team have enthusiastically threw themselves into miRNA-biomarker research and the development of new miRNA quantification assays.
Insight to miRNA – From Discovery to Biomarker Application
miREIA - microRNA enzyme immunoassay – How to use | BioVendor #04
Learn how easy it is to quantify miRNAs with miREIA kits. The tutorial video provides a detailed description and procedure of the BioVendor microRNA immunoassay (miREIA).
Why to quantify miRNA by an immunoassay – miREIA introduction | BioVendor #03
Are you measuring microRNA, and are you facing a problem of high variability of results in your qRT-PCR? To overcome these challenges, we introduce miREIA - microRNA enzyme immunoassay. As specific as qRT-PCR, as quantitative and simple as ELISA, the miREIA is a BioVendor new breakthrough technology enabling the easy use of microRNA biomarkers.
Short non-coding RNAs are seizing the interest of many scientific leaders as their importance in expression regulation is established. These promising biomarkers could be key to the early diagnosis of severe diseases such as cancer or stroke.
Standard methods fail to quantify them properly due to their small number of nucleotides. The majority of our competitors start with artificial prolongation and the addition of artificial base pairs to solve this challenge.
BioVendor, together with prominent scientists lead by Dr. Kubista from TATAA Biocenter, brings you the ultimate solution: The Two-tailed-RT-qPCR method. Let Veronika and Mikael take you on an amazing journey into the world of microRNA and their unlimited potential for research and diagnostics.
Key points covered in this webinar:
- MicroRNA: why is it important
- TT-RT-qPCR: backstage of an innovative method for miRNA quantification
- Target strategies: science and diagnostics
miRNA quantification challenge: ACCOMPLISHED!
Molecular Cinderella microRNA story: from dust to reign | BioVendor Webinar #4
Join us and MSc. Veronika Grešáková, PhD, BioVendor´s science & product manager, for a webinar to find out more.
For decades, their sequences were called ‘junk DNA’. Their functions were underestimated and disregarded. Scientists did not pay much attention. However, recent discoveries have shown otherwise!
Short non-coding RNAs are seizing the interest of many scientific leaders as their importance in expression regulation is established. These promising biomarkers might be key to the early diagnosis of severe diseases such as cancer or stroke.
The focus of the scientific team in BioVendor is developing sensitive and precise methods for total quantification. Let us show you our novel and valuable tools for miRNA measurements.
Key points covered in this webinar:
- MicroRNA: why is it important
- Novel methods of miRNA quantification: miREIA & TT-RT-qPCRs
- Target strategies: science and diagnostics
Molecular Cinderella microRNA story: from dust to reign
Protein and miRNA Markers in Pulmonary Diseases | BioVendor Webinar #3
The COVID-19 pandemic brought attention to pulmonary diseases and associated laboratory diagnosis markers. Pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) represented the most deadly conditions in COVID-19 patients leaving behind survivors suffering from lung fibrosis scares or other critical pulmonary complications. We are going to exploit a long history of pulmonary disease biomarkers development in BioVendor and share our knowledge with you.
Key points covered in this webinar:
- Protein markers in Pulmonary disease
- miRNA biomarkers in Pulmonary diseases
- The role of miRNAs in COVID-19 development and protection
As a leading developer and manufacturer of IVD and Life Science products, BioVendor is committed to contribute to manage the spread of COVID-19 and to accelerate the research related to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. We will share information about our assays and reagents and explain what is their utility in the context of COVID-19 outbreak. From diagnosis through research to diagnostic device development. We are looking forward to the special issue of BioVendor webinar with the BioVendor team.
Key points covered in this webinar:
- COVID-19: Diagnosis
- COVID-19: Prognosis
- COVID-19: Therapy monitoring / Disease progression
- Research and assay development reagents
COVID-19 Associated Assays & Reagents
Cardiovascular Markers & Differential Diagnosis of Bacterial and Viral Infections | BioVendor Webinar #1
We believe that knowledge is the core of our business. Sharing it with you is now more crucial than ever. Join us for a 34-minute dive into two topics: Cardiovascular markers and Differential diagnosis of bacterial and viral infections. You will have a chance to participate in the webinar and share your thoughts on the themes. We are looking forward to the first of our new bi-monthly webinar with Michal, who is an expert in these areas and a valuable member of the BioVendor team.
Key points covered in this webinar:
- Cardiovascular markers in acute myocardial infarction, heart failure, atrial fibrillation, and markers of endothelial dysfunction
- CRP, procalcitonin, and MxA in the differential diagnosis of bacterial and viral systemic infections
- Product highlights
- Focus on CE IVD ELISA kits
Cardiovascular Markers & Differential Diagnosis of Bacterial and Viral Infections
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