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Human Heart FABP (FABP3) ELISA 

  • Regulatory status:RUO
  • Type:Sandwich ELISA
  • Other names:FABP3, Fatty acid-binding protein 3, H-FABP, Mammary-derived growth inhibitor, MDGI, Muscle fatty acid-binding protein, M-FABP, FABP11
  • Species:Human
Cat. No. Size Price

RHK401R 96 wells (1 kit)
PubMed Product Details
Technical Data


Sandwich ELISA


Serum, Plasma

Sample Requirements

10 µl/well


Store the complete kit at 2–8°C. Under these conditions, all components are stable until the expiration date (see label on the box).

Calibration Range

102 - 25 000 pg/ml

Limit of Detection

20 pg/ml



It is intended for research use only

The total assay time is less than 1.5 hours, or 45 minutes for rapid version

The kit measures H-FABP in human serum and plasma (EDTA or heparin plasma are preferred)

Assay format is 96 wells

Components of the kit are provided ready to use, concentrated or dried

Research topic

Cardiovascular disease, Energy metabolism and body weight regulation, Renal disease


Fatty acid-binding proteins (FABPs) are a class of cytoplasmic proteins that bind long chain fatty acids. FABPs are small intracellular proteins (~13-14 kDa) with a high degree of tissue specificity. They are abundantly present in various cell types and play an important role in the intracellular utilization of fatty acids, transport and metabolism. There are at least nine distinct types of FABP, each showing a specific pattern of tissue expression. Due to its small size, FABP leaks rapidly out of ischemically damaged necrotic cells leading to a rise in serum levels. Ischemically damaged tissues are characterized histologically by absence (or low presence) of FABP facilitating recognition of such areas. Following acute myocardial infarction (AMI) the small protein H-FABP is rapidly released into the circulation. H-FABP is derived from the human FABP3 gene. Significantly elevated serum/plasma concentrations are found within 3 h after AMI which generally return to normal values within 12 to 24 h. These features make H-FABP a useful research tool for the early assessment or exclusion of AMI, and for the monitoring of a recurrent infarction. Constitutive H-FABP released from the heart after AMI is quantitatively recovered in serum/plasma. Thus assessment of H-FABP is also a very effective tool for the estimation of the infarct size. The human H-FABP kit can also be used for measurement of brain-type FABP, a marker for brain injury detection and for measurement of muscle-type cytosolic fatty acid binding protein (FABPc) in skeletal muscle. In serum/plasma of healthy individuals approximately 1.6 ng/ml of H-FABP is present. HFABP shows a slight increase with age.

Summary References (12)

References to Heart Fatty Acid Binding Protein

  • Pelsers MMAL, Hanhoff T, Van der Voort D, Arts B, Peters M, Ponds R, Honig A, Rudzinski W, Spener F, de Kruijk JR, Twijnstra A, Hermens W, Menheere PPCA, Glatz JFC: Brain and heart type fatty acid-binding proteins in the brain: Tissue distribution and clinical utility. Clin Chem 2004, 50(9):1568-1575
  • Cavus U, Coskum F, Yavuz B, Ciftci O, Sahiner L, Aksoy H, Deniz A, Ozakin E, Aytemir K, Tokgozoglu L, Kabakci G: Heart-type, fatty-acid binding protein can be a diagnostic marker in acute coronary syndrome. J Nat Med Ass 2006, 98(7):1067-1070
  • Storch J, McDermott L: Structural and functional analysis of fatty acid-binding proteins. J Lipid Res 2009, S126-S131
  • Hussain T, Shu LY, Sosorburam T: Importance of cardiac FABP as diagnostic marker of ischaemic heart injury in conjuction with chronic liver disease: A cohort study. Australian Medical J 2010, 3(11):691-694
  • Li Ch, Li J, Liang X, Li X, Cui J, Yang Z, Guo Q, Cao K, Huang J: Point-of-care test of heart-type fatty acid-binding protein for the diagnosis of early acute myocardial infarction. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 2010, 31:307-312
  • Gururajan P, Gurumurthy P, Nayar P, Rao GSN, Babu S, Cherian KM: Heart fatty acid binding protein (H-FABP) as a diagnostic biomarker in patients with acute coronary syndrome. Heart, Lung and Circulation 2010, 19:660-664
  • Karbek B, Ozbek M, Bozkurt NC, Ginis Z, Gungunes A, Unsal IO, Cakal E, Delibasi T: Heart-type fatty acid binding protein (H-FABP): relationship with arterial intima-media thickness and role as diagnostic marker for atherosclerosis in patients with impaired glucose metabolism. Cardiovasc Diabet 2011, 10:37
  • Elmadbouh I, Mahfouz, Bayomy N, Faried W, Ghanayem N: The value of human heart-type fatty acid binding protein in diagnosis of patients with acute chest pain. The Egypt Heart J 2012, 64:179-184
  • Erenler AK, Yardan T, Duran L, Baydin A: Usefulness of heart-type fatty acid binding protein in the emergency department. J Pak Med Assoc 2013, 63(9):1176-1181
  • Willemsen RTA, Buntinx F, Winkens B, Glatz JF, Dinant GJ, RAPIDA-study team): The value of signs, symptoms and plasma heart-type fatty acid-binding protein (H-FABP) in evaluating patients presenting with symptoms possibly matching acute coronary syndrome: background and methods of a diagnostic study in primary care. BMC Family Pract 2014, 15:203
  • Pyati AK, devaranavadagi BB, Sajjannar SL, Nikam SV, Shannaway M, Sudharani: Heart-type fatty acid binding protein: a better cardiac biomarker than CK-MB and myoglobin in the early diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction. J Clin Diagn Research 2015, 9(10):BC08-BC11
  • Hoffmann U, Espeter F, Weis C, Ahmad-Nejad P, Lang S, Brueckmann M, Akin I, Neumaier M, Borggrefe M, Behnes M: Ischemic heart-type fatty acid binding protein (hFABP) in acute
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